15+ CSS Animated Tabs

Tabs are a popular and effective method to arrange content on websites. They allow users to access information swiftly without scrolling or switching pages. Using tabs also improves webpage load speed since it reduces the overall content size. That’s why almost every website prefers tabs. There are multiple types of Tabs design.

Types of Tabs Design

  1. Horizontal Tabs
  2. Vertical Tabs
  3. Pills Tab ( That’s look like of capsule.)
  4. Icon Tabs
  5. Toggle Tabs

CSS Tabs Examples:

In this post, I will show you a collection of CSS tabs that are designed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These code snippets are picked from different open-source websites that you can use easily without any copyright issues. Recently, I have posted 15 popup animation css, but today I will share with you the 15 CSS tabs animation examples with guidelines of code.

CSS Animated Tab Switch

css animated tab switch

Huseyin Elmas

Html, CSS & Js


Pure CSS Animated Tab Menu

How to Build a Pure CSS Animated Tab Menu

Envato Tuts+




The CSS code is a testament to the power of modern web styling. It employs a range of techniques to create a visually stunning and interactive tab menu. The use of CSS variables like --violet and --dark-violet not only makes the code more maintainable but also adds a layer of sophistication to the design. The rounded buttons, smooth transitions, and hover effects make the menu feel alive and engaging. The use of shadows (box-shadow) adds depth, making the UI elements pop. The transform and transition properties work in harmony to create smooth animations, elevating the user experience to a whole new level.

3 Steps CSS Tab





This tab is also designed using pure CSS. The HTML radio button is used to create this tab and change the text box text using a CSS fade-in effect. This tab is an example of a cleaner and more beautiful design.

Pure CSS Tab Navigation

Pure CSS Tab Navigation

Izzy Skye

Html & CSS


Animated Tab Bar

Animated Tab Bar

abxlfazl khxrshidi

Html, CSS & Js



The Animated Tab Bar is a vibrant, eye-catching and creative piece of UI design. The use of SVG icons adds a modern touch, and the background color changes dynamically as you switch tabs, creating a visually stimulating experience. The CSS transitions are smooth, making the tab switching feel natural and fluid. The use of CSS variables like --bgColorMenu and --duration allows for easy adjustments to the animation speed and background color, making the tab bar not just functional but also aesthetically pleasing.

CSS Modern Tab Bar (Animated)

CSS Tab Bar (Animated)

Flávio Amaral

Html, CSS & Js



ThisTab Bar is a delightful twist on the conventional tab bar design. The jiggly animation effect adds a playful touch, making the user interface feel dynamic and engaging. The color scheme is soothing, with shades of blue and green that are easy on the eyes. The use of Google Fonts adds a touch of elegance, making the text easy to read. Overall, the visual design is not just functional but also emotionally engaging, encouraging users to interact with the tabs.

Tabbed Content Section

Tabbed Content Section


Html & CSS


Pure CSS Tab with Indicator Animation

Pure CSS Tab with Indicator Animation


Html & CSS




The HTML employs radio buttons, which are inherently accessible and keyboard-navigable. Each radio button is associated with a tab label through the for attribute. This ensures that clicking the label toggles the corresponding radio button. The checked="true" attribute on the first radio button makes the “FIRST TAB” the default active tab when the page loads.


The CSS code not only styles the tabs but also controls the animation. The transition: opacity .4s ease-in-out; line is particularly noteworthy. It ensures that the opacity of the tab labels changes smoothly over 0.4 seconds, giving a subtle yet effective visual cue.

  • Hiding Radio Buttons: The input[type="radio"] selector targets all radio buttons and sets their display to none and width to 0. This hides them but keeps their functionality.
  • Label Hover and Active State: The label:hover, input[type="radio"]:checked+label selector changes the opacity of the label to 1 when hovered or when its corresponding radio button is checked. This provides a visual cue for the active tab.
  • Popup Styling: The .popup class sets the dimensions, border, background color, and other visual elements for the container that holds the tabs.
  • Tabs Container: The .tabs class uses flexbox to align the tabs vertically and space them evenly. It also sets the container’s dimensions and position.
  • Marker Styling: The .marker class styles the marker element, which indicates the active tab. It uses absolute positioning within the .tabs container and sets its dimensions and transition properties.
  • Marker Parts: The .marker #bottom, .marker #top selectors style the two parts of the marker, #top and #bottom. They set the background color, box shadow, and other visual elements.
  • Marker Animation: The #tab1:checked ~ .marker, #tab2:checked ~ .marker, etc., selectors control the marker’s position based on which radio button is checked. They use the transform: translateY(); CSS property to move the marker vertically.
  • Math in CSS: The use of calc() for dynamic positioning makes the marker adaptable to different numbers of tabs.
  • Flexbox Utilization: Flexbox is used in both the .tabs and .marker classes to simplify the layout and make it more flexible.
  • Smooth Transitions: The .2s ease-in-out transition in the .marker class ensures that the marker movement is smooth and visually pleasing.

Icon Tab navigation

Icon Tab navigation

Sabine Robart

Html, SCSS & Js




  • Main Container: The <div class="frame"> acts as the main container for the entire snippet.
  • Center Div: Inside the main container, <div class="center"> holds the navigation and content.
  • Navigation Tabs: The <nav> element contains the tab navigation links, each represented by a Font Awesome icon.
  • Tab Content: The <div class="tab-content"> holds the content for each tab, including a header and text blocks.


  • Background: The background color is set to #643a7a.
  • Frame and Center Div: The .frame and .center classes set the dimensions and positioning of the main and center containers.
  • Tab Styling: The .nav-item and .active classes style the tabs, including hover and active states.
  • Content Styling: The .tab-pane and .text classes style the content within each tab.
  • Search Bar: The .fa-search and .search-show classes control the appearance and behavior of the search bar.


  • Search Icon: Clicking the Font Awesome search icon toggles the search input field.
  • Tab Animation: Clicking a tab triggers a slide-in animation for the content, which is removed once the animation ends.

Key Points:

  • Font Awesome: Icons are used for a visually appealing tab navigation.
  • jQuery: Provides the interactive features like search bar toggle and slide-in animations.
  • SCSS: Allows for cleaner and more maintainable CSS.

Happy & Sad Mood Emoji Tab

Happy & Sad Mood Emoji Tab

Chris Gannon

Html, CSS & Js


CSS Tabs with Icon

CSS Tabs with Icon

Kyle Edwards

Html & CSS


Key Points

  • Radio Buttons as Toggles: The use of radio buttons as toggles is a unique approach. When a radio button is selected, the corresponding tab content becomes visible.
  • CSS Transitions: The transition property is used to smoothly change the properties over a given time interval.
  • Positioning: Absolute and relative positioning are used extensively to align elements.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: The snippet includes specific styles for Firefox to ensure consistent appearance across browsers.

Hide & Seek Tab Bar Animation

Hide & Seek Tab Bar Animation

Flávio Amaral

Html & SCSS



This project, showcases a unique tab bar where the icons play a game of hide and seek when activated. The HTML structure consists of a navigation menu with four tabs: Home, Search, Notifications, and Settings. Each tab is represented by an icon and a label. The JavaScript part handles the tab activation and deactivation.

Main Features:

  • Icon Animation: When a tab is clicked, its icon moves upwards, hiding from view, while the label moves down to take its place.
  • Dynamic Tabs: The tabs are dynamic, meaning they can be activated or deactivated with a click, thanks to the JavaScript function addClass().
  • Material Icons: The use of Material Design icons adds a modern touch to the tab bar.

Key Properties or Techniques Used:

  • .isActive and .notActive: These classes control the appearance and behavior of active and inactive tabs.
  • transform: translateY();: This CSS property is used to move the icons and labels up and down.
  • transition: all 0.8s;: This property ensures smooth transitions during the hide and seek animation.
  • nav a.isActive i:after: This pseudo-element creates a line that extends when the tab is active, adding an extra visual cue.

Special Note:

  • Hide Icon on Active Tab: When a tab is active, its icon hides by moving upwards, making room for the label to be more prominent. This is achieved using the transform: translateY(-40px); property under the .isActive class for the icon.

Pure Css Tab and Toggle with Down Indicator Icon

Pure Css Tab and Toggle with Down Indicator Icon

Aashima Jain

Html & CSS


Cool Tab Html CSS

Tabs Html CSS


Html & CSS


Pure CSS Tab Bar Switches using Checkbox

Pure CSS Tab Bar Switches using checkbox hack

Ashley Wright

Html & CSS(Stylus)


Sliding Tab with CSS Transitions | Pills Tab

Sliding Tab with CSS transitions only

Håvard Brynjulfsen

Html & SCSS


CSS Tab Animation without JavaScript

CSS Tab Animation without JavaScript

Milan Raring

Html & SCSS


Glassmorphism Tabbar Animation – Only CSS

Glassmorphism tabbar animation - Only CSS

Milan Raring

Html & SCSS


CSS Responsive Tabs and Accordion

Responsive tabs and accordion

Omar Zeidan

Html & CSS


Accordion to Vertical Tabs

Accordion to Vertical Tabs

Nick Spiel

Html, SCSS & Js


jQuery Responsive Vertical Tab

Vertical tab - Material Design


Html, SCSS & Js


Simple & Responsive Vertical Tab Navigation

Simple & Responsive Vertical Tab Navigation

Luis Leguisamo

Html, CSS & Js


Bottom Tabs Menu

Bottom Tabs Menu


Html, CSS & Js


CSS Tabs With Information Card In Accordion Style

CSS Tabs With Information Card In Accordion Style


Html, CSS & Js


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