10 CSS Image Hover Effects

Get ready to add some excitement to your images! In this post, I’ll be showcasing 10 CSS image hover effects that you can use to elevate your web designs.

Hover effects are a great way to enhance interactivity and draw users’ attention. With just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can implement engaging animations that occur when users hover over an image.

The image hover effects in this collection range from subtle to dramatic. You’ll find effects like zooms, overlays, colorshifts, and more. I’ll provide the code snippets needed to recreate each one, explaining how the CSS transitions and animations work their magic.

Image Hover Effect In CSS

hover to play





This snippet implements an interactive image hover effect using SVG clipping. When the user hovers over the base image, the clipped version slides to follow the mouse position, revealing the hidden portion of the image underneath. This creates a fun reveal effect as if the top image has a moving viewport or window.

The key elements are the fixed base image, the clipped image on top, and the SVG path that defines the clipping shape. As the user moves their mouse, the SVG path is translated to match the mouse coordinates using JavaScript. This in turn moves the clipped region on the top image, revealing more of the base. The transition is smooth due to the acceleration variable that ramps up the movement speed. Overall this creates a playful interaction that engages users.

Code Structure: Starting with the HTML, there are two image elements - one with the -base class that is the fixed background, and one with -clip that will be clipped. The SVG contains the clipPath that will be manipulated with JavaScript.

The CSS defines the clip path initially as a circle shape on the .img.-clip class. This clips the top image to only show a round area. The JS will then override the clip path position on hover. Key properties like pointer-events, opacity, and transform are also set here.

The JavaScript does a few things:

  • Animates the SVG path shapes on a loop to create a morphing effect
  • Translates the clipPath on mousemove to match the offsetX/Y mouse coordinates
  • Ramps up an acceleration variable so the movement speeds up
  • Fades clip image in on hover and out on leave

Pure CSS Game With Hover Effect

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Yusuke Nakaya



Split Image Hover Effect

hover to play

Dimitra Vasilopoulou




This snippet implements a split image hover effect using CSS clip-path. The image is split into a grid, and on mouseover each tile animates to show a different part of the full image, creating a fragmented or glitchy effect.

The key elements are the grid container holding the image tiles, each with a polygon clip path applied in JS. On hover, the background position of each tile is offset to display a new portion of the image. TweenMax animations create smooth transitions between states.

The end result is an engaging reveal effect as users interact. As the mouse moves, different glimpses of the image appear in a scattered formation. This adds visual interest and interactivity to images on a page.

Simple Image Hover

hover to play

Little Snippte




This snippet implements a simple image hover effect using CSS transitions. When hovering over an image, it desaturates while titling text and a caption fades in. It creates an elegant reveal effect to display more information.

The key elements are the figure container with the image, title, and figcaption. CSS properties like opacity and transform are transitioned on hover to fade and slide the text. The image also loses saturation for a muted look on hover. The transitions create smooth and subtle animations between states.

Multiple Hover Effects On Image

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Aybüke Ceylan Öncül




This snippet demonstrates multiple hover effects on images using CSS transitions and animations. Each image container has a unique effect when hovered over:

  • Zoom In: Image scales up, text fades in
  • White Frame: White border fades in, image darkens
  • Postcard: Image and text slide on hover
  • Blurry Overlay: Colored overlay and frame slide in
  • Vintage: Gradient reveals on hover, text animates
  • Zoom Out: Image shrinks, contrast changes

The effects are subtle yet engaging ways to draw attention and add interactivity to images. The transitions between states are smooth and polished. Overall, it provides inspirational examples of hover effects to elevate images.

Tiles Grid CSS Image Hover Effect

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Dimitra Vasilopoulou



Profile Image Hover Animation

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Dimitra Vasilopoulou



Revealing Text Effect On Image Hover

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Cameron Fitzwilliam



Smooth Crossfade Hover

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Noah Delagardelle




This snippet implements an image hover effect using sibling selectors in CSS. When hovering over the top image, it fades out to reveal the blurred background image underneath.

The key elements are the two image elements with separate classes. The .img-01 is on top and .img-02 starts blurred and invisible. On hover, .img-01 fades out via opacity, which then allows .img-02 to fade in by modifying its opacity and blur filter.

The sibling selector allows the hover state on .img-01 to control the styling of .img-02 for the reveal effect. The transition timing creates a smooth crossfade animation between the images.

Image Revealing Hover Navigation Effect

hover to play

keyframers Team



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