11 CSS Animated Timelines

In this blog post, we’ll explore 11 examples of CSS animated timelines. You’ll see snippets that showcase different styles and approaches, from subtle progress indicators to bold visualizations that command the user’s attention. Whether you want to highlight key milestones, display a loading sequence, or just add some motion and rhythm to your design, you’re sure to find inspiration among these animated timeline samples.

We’ll cover both basic animations using transitions and more advanced effects using keyframe animations. You’ll learn techniques for horizontal and vertical timelines, circular paths, and creative treatments like animated connectors between timeline items.

CSS3 Timeline Animation On Hover

hover to play

Vincent Costentin




The snippet presents a visually engaging way to display a series of events or milestones along a timeline. Upon hovering, the timeline elements—points, lines, and dates—animate and expand to reveal more information or emphasize the event. This interactive timeline is styled with a minimalist aesthetic, using clean lines and simple geometric shapes to represent different periods or events.

HTML Structure:

The structure is centered around a div container (#conteneur), within which the timeline (#bouton) and its components—points (point_general), lines (ligne_general), and dates (date_general)—are laid out.

Semantic HTML is not prominently featured here; instead, the design relies on div elements for both the structure and the interactive components, indicative of a more stylistic than semantic approach.

CSS Style:

Leveraging CSS properties such as transition, transform, and opacity to achieve the hover effects. These properties allow for smooth animations and transitions that enhance the user experience without compromising performance.

The use of classes like point_general, ligne_general, and date_general suggests a systematized approach to styling, where a base class defines common styles and additional classes or IDs customize specific instances. The :hover selector is crucial for triggering the animations, changing the visual state of the timeline elements when the user hovers over them.

Simple Animated Timeline Scroller

hover to play

Jean-Marc Goepfert




This Timeline Scroller snippet creates a visually engaging scrolling timeline experience. As the user scrolls through the page, content blocks animate in and out of view with a padding transition effect that creates a sense of depth and movement. This interaction pattern enhances the storytelling aspect of the timeline, making the exploration of content more dynamic and interactive. The design is minimalist, with a dark background that makes the white text pop, ensuring high readability and focus on the content. The alternating content blocks on the left and right sides of the timeline contribute to a balanced design that guides the user’s eye through the historical or sequential events presented.

HTML Structure:

This is wrapped in a container div, with two child divs: left-content and right-content. Each side contains a series of <p> tags representing individual events or points on the timeline.

CSS Styles:

The CSS styling sets a dark theme for the timeline, with background and text colors designed to ensure contrast and readability. The use of floating elements (float: left;) for the .left-content and .right-content divs creates a two-column layout that serves as the basis for the timeline’s visual structure.

The border-right property on .left-content visually separates the two sides of the timeline, enhancing the design’s clarity and visual appeal. CSS transitions are applied to the <p> elements, for smooth animations that enhance user interaction. These transitions are triggered as content blocks become more or less padded, based on their position relative to the viewport.

JavaScript Functions:

The JavaScript code, utilizing jQuery, adds interactivity to the timeline. It listens for the scroll event on the window and adjusts the padding of each <p> element based on its current position relative to the viewport. This script calculates the distance of each content block from the top of the viewport and applies the more-padding class conditionally, creating the animated effect as users scroll.

Animated TimeLine Pie Chart

hover to play




Responsive Timeline CSS

hover to play





The Responsive Timeline snippet presents an elegantly styled and interactive timeline, showcasing various events or milestones. Each timeline entry is visually represented with icons, descriptive text, and timestamps, laid out along a central vertical line that serves as the timeline’s backbone. The design is clean, with a focus on readability and user engagement, achieved through subtle animations and a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes.

HTML Structure:

The timeline is structured within a timeline-container div, containing individual timeline-item divs for each event. Each item has a timeline-icon and a timeline-content section, with icons provided by FontAwesome for visual representation and a mix of headings, paragraphs, and timestamps for content description.

CSS & JavaScript

The CSS makes extensive use of Flexbox and media queries to ensure the timeline is responsive.

The JavaScript (utilizing jQuery) dynamically controls the visibility of timeline items based on the user’s scroll position. Functions hideBlocks and showBlocks are used to add or remove classes that control the opacity and position of timeline items, creating an animated effect as items enter the viewport.

Swiper Timeline Progressbar

hover to play




CSS Animated Timeline

hover to play

Benjamin Wegley



Html Timeline

hover to play

Charles Ojukwu

HTML, SCSS & Babel


Animated Horizontal Bar Timeline

hover to play

Andrea Pizzigalli




This snippet is a sleek, modern approach to visualizing chronological events in a horizontal format. This timeline uses a combination of CSS animations and JavaScript interactivity to create a dynamic user experience. As users interact with the timeline, selecting specific years or moving through the timeline using arrow buttons, corresponding descriptions for each point in time are revealed in an animated fashion. This not only adds a layer of engagement but also allows for a detailed exploration of events or milestones represented on the timeline.

HTML Code Explaination:

The timeline and its descriptions are wrapped in two separate div elements, allowing for independent animation and scrolling. Each point on the timeline is represented by a div with a single_step class and the descriptions are contained within single_step_desc divs.

CSS Styling:

  • CSS animations and transitions are used for smooth effects when changing states (e.g., from inactive to active).
  • Flexbox is utilized to center and align elements, ensuring the timeline and descriptions are responsive.

JavaScript Functions:

The jQuery handling clicks on timeline points and arrow buttons to navigate through the timeline. Functions for moving the timeline (timeline_prev, timeline_next) and managing the visibility of descriptions (timeline_conts_prev, timeline_conts_next) are defined, enabling dynamic content changes based on user interaction. Utility functions like removeTimelineActive and removeDescActive help manage the timeline’s state, ensuring that animations and content updates behave as expected when users interact with the timeline.

SVG and GSAP Animated Graph Timeline

hover to play

Pete Barr



Responsive CSS Timeline

hover to play

Juan Pernia

HTML, CSS & Babel


Box Shape Timeline Like Github Style

hover to play

Shahid Shaikh

HTML, CSS & Babel



This snippet is an inventive interpretation of a timeline, inspired by the familiar GitHub contributions graph. It showcases a grid of boxes, each representing a hypothetical contribution day, much like the GitHub activity heatmap. This interactive snippet allows users to change the animation style through a dropdown menu, adding a dynamic visual element to the otherwise static representation.

HTML Structure:

The structure is primarily divided into a main container (outer-container) that includes a days and months legend (days-container and months-container), and a grid for the boxes. A select element provides interactive options to change the animation style.

CSS Styles:

Flexbox is extensively used to align and distribute the boxes and legends, showcasing a responsive design technique that adapts to the content dynamically and Keyframe animations (anim-1, anim-2, anim-3) are defined to change the background colors of the boxes, simulating different visualization styles or contribution levels.

JavaScript Functions:

  • The JavaScript dynamically populates the grid with boxes using a for loop, demonstrating an efficient method to handle repetitive DOM elements.
  • Event listeners on the select element detect changes and trigger animations accordingly, showcasing an interactive design where user actions directly influence the visual outcome.
  • The animation function encapsulates the logic for applying animations to the boxes, including setting the animation delay for a staggered effect, adding and removing CSS classes, and changing the flex direction of the grid. This encapsulation makes the code more maintainable and readable.

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