15 CSS Card Hover Effects

Card hover effects can add visual interest and interactivity to a website. Using only CSS, developers can create animated effects when users hover over card elements. In this article, I will demonstrate 15 unique CSS card hover effects that you can use to enhance your own websites. From subtle shadow lifts to dramatic expansions, these effects range from simple to advanced.

I will provide the code snippets needed to add each hover effect, explaining how to trigger the animations on hover and discussing the CSS properties involved. Whether you want to add some flair to card layouts, experiment with transform and transition effects, or gain inspiration for new interactions, this collection of 15 CSS card hover effects has something for every web developer and designer.

Reveal Card Content on Hover

Reveal Card Content on Hover

Mark Mead

Pug & SCSS


Cool Hover Effect

Cool Hover Effect

hover to play

Matthew Willox




This snippet implements a flip animation effect for card elements. When a card is clicked, it rotates 180 degrees along the Y axis to reveal the backside.

Key elements that create this effect include:

  • The .card container with 3D transform properties like perspective and transform-style. This allows the flip effect in 3D space.
  • The .front and .back child elements are positioned absolutely to create the two sides of the card.
  • The .flip class that triggers a 180 degree rotation on the card when toggled.
  • The transitions for smooth animation between default and flipped states.

CSS Stack Card With Hover Animation

CSS Stack Card With Hover Animation

hover to play





The key feature of the hover effect is using perspective transforms to create the illusion of depth and dimension when mousing over the cards. Specifically, when hovering over a card, transform properties are applied to the cards before and after it to make them appear rotated and translated backward in 3D space.

For example, hovering over card 3 will:

  • Rotate and translate cards 1 and 2 negatively on the Y axis, as if pushing them backward. This uses transforms like “rotate(-10deg)” and “translate(-234px, -39px)”.
  • Rotate and translate cards 4 onwards positively on the Y axis, as if pulling them forwards. This uses transforms like “rotate(10deg)” and “translate(234px, 39px)”.
  • The translateZ property is used to fake depth on the transformed cards.
  • perspective and origin are set on the parent to enhance the 3D effect.

The result is a subtle but effective 3D accent when hovering. The fan appears to spread in 3D space, creating the illusion of depth in the 2D layout.

Fancy CSS 3D Flip Card On Hover

Fancy CSS 3D Flip Card On Hover

hover to play

Travis Williamson



Hearthstone Style Card Hover

Hearthstone Style Card Hover

hover to play

Jack Rugile



CSS Split Card Hover Animation

CSS Split Card Hover Animation

hover to play

Simon Goellner

Pug, SCSS & Js



This snippet demonstrates a creative split card hover effect for a card layout containing an image and text. When the card is hovered or focused, the image scales up slightly while the text fades in one word/character at a time. The before/after pseudo elements scale horizontally to create a splitting reveal effect across the card.

The animation creates visual interest and draws attention to each card on hover/focus. Staggering the text and using the splitting pseudo elements makes the transition feel natural and elegant. This enhances the user experience by guiding the eye and creating a smooth, polished reveal effect as more content is displayed. Overall, it achieves an aesthetic card-based layout with a subtle yet engaging interactive component.

Card Hover Interaction

Card Hover Interaction

hover to play

Kalyan Lahkar

Html & CSS


Card Hover Shine Effect

Card Hover Shine Effect

hover to play

Andrew Hawkes

Html & CSS


Simple CSS CARD Hover Effect

Simple CSS CARD Hover Effect


Html & CSS


Skew Card Hover

Skew Card Hover

Manoj Silag

Html & CSS


Event Card With Hover Animation

Event Card With Hover Animation

Travis Williamson

Html & CSS


Card Hover Animation | Hover Expand Effect

Card Hover Animation

Andy Fought

Html & CSS


Border Filling On Hover

Border Draw On Hover

Andy Fought

Html & CSS


Name Card Hover Expand

Name Card Hover Expand


Html & CSS


Right Layer Effect Card

Right Layer Effect Card

hover to play

Temani Afif

Html & CSS


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