15+ 3D Carousel CSS

In this post, I’m excited to share a handpicked collection of over 15+ 3D Carousel CSS snippets. These 3d sliders have been sourced from reputable, open-source platforms such as CodePen and GitHub. The best part? They’re free to use! Feel free to modify and integrate them into your upcoming projects as per your needs. Rest assured, there are no copyright concerns, so you can utilize them with complete peace of mind.

3D Carousel Using TweenMax.js & jQuery

3D Carousel Using TweenMax.js & jQuery

John Blazek




The code snippet showcases a captivating 3D carousel built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, specifically leveraging TweenMax.js and jQuery for animations and interactivity.

At the heart of this carousel is the #carouselContainer, containing several <figure> elements, each representing an item in the carousel. These items are styled using the .carouselItem and .carouselItemInner classes, which dictate their appearance and positioning within the 3D space. The positioning and 3D transformation of these carousel items are crucial, as they create the overall spherical shape and rotating effect of the carousel. This is achieved through JavaScript, where each item is positioned and transformed within a loop, using lines like TweenMax.to($item, 1, {css:{ transform:transformStr, opacity:1 }});. This code applies a 3D transformation and sets the opacity, giving each item its place in the carousel and creating a smooth entrance animation.

The interactivity and fluid motion of the carousel are handled by JavaScript event listeners and functions. For instance, the mousemove event listener changes the carousel’s perspective based on the mouse position, creating an interactive and responsive user experience. The looper function, which is repeatedly called using TweenMax's ticker, updates the carousel’s rotation and the frame rate display. This continuous updating, along with calculations for mouse position and 3D transformations, contributes to the carousel’s dynamic and smooth animation.

3d Vertical Slider | Card Carousel

3d Vertical Slider | Card Carousel




Swiper 3D slider

Swiper 3D slider

shamim khan




The example presents a stylish and interactive 3D slider using Swiper, a modern JavaScript library that offers a variety of features for creating responsive and touch-friendly sliders.

HTML Structure:

The main container for the slider is a div with the class swiper-container two. Inside this container, there’s a div with the class swiper-wrapper, which acts as a flexible box container for each individual slide (swiper-slide).

Each swiper-slide contains a div with the class slider-image, which in turn holds an <img> element for displaying images. After all the slides, there’s a div for pagination (.swiper-pagination), enabling navigation through the slider.

CSS Styling:

The CSS rules are focused on the appearance of the slider, slides, and pagination bullets. Notable styles include the swiper-container and swiper-slide classes, which ensure proper sizing and positioning of the slides.

The pagination bullets (swiper-pagination-bullet) are styled for both their default and active states, changing background colors and borders to indicate which slide is currently active. Additionally, custom styling is applied to adjust the width of the slides (swiper-slide) and the pagination bullets (swiper-pagination-bullet).

JavaScript Initialization:

The Swiper instance is initialized with a specific set of configurations for the slider behavior and appearance. It’s set to have a coverflow effect, enabling a 3D-like view where non-central slides are smaller and slightly rotated. The loop property is true, allowing infinite looping of slides.

centeredSlides and slidesPerView are set to ensure slides are centered and shown in a ‘carousel’ manner. The coverflow object contains properties like rotate, stretch, depth, and modifier, which control the 3D effect’s appearance.

3D Carousel Gallery

3D Carousel Gallery

Dudley Storey



3D Carousel CSS

3d carousel css




Pure CSS 3D Carousel (Slider)

Pure CSS 3D Carousel (Slider)

Dmitriy Panfilov




The carousel example presents an innovative approach to creating a 3D slider purely with CSS, eliminating the need for JavaScript. This technique uses radio buttons and CSS3 transformations to create an interactive slider.

HTML Structure:

The slider is enclosed within a <section> with the ID #slider. It contains five <input> elements of type radio, each with a unique ID (s1 to s5). These radio buttons are hidden from view (display: none in CSS) but are crucial for the slider’s functionality.

Corresponding to each radio button is a <label> element, each with a unique ID (slide1 to slide5). These labels are styled to represent the slides of the slider.

CSS Styling:

The magic happens in the CSS where the :checked pseudo-class selector is used. This selector targets the currently selected radio button. Depending on which radio button is checked, different CSS rules are applied to the corresponding slides. This includes rules for transform which move and scale the slides to create a 3D effect.

For example, #s1:checked ~ #slide1 targets the #slide1 label when #s1 is checked. The transform property is then used to position #slide1 front and center, while the other slides are positioned around it in 3D space.

The CSS utilizes translate3d and box-shadow to give depth and realism to the slider. Each slide is moved and shadowed differently based on which radio button is checked, creating the illusion of a rotating 3D carousel.

3D Slider

3D Slider

Yoav Kadosh

SCSS & Babel


3D Carousel Html CSS

3d carousel html css

Inspired by Jesper Hills

Html & CSS



This example is a striking 3D carousel slider built using HTML, CSS, and a bit of jQuery. This slider allows users to view content in a dynamic, rotating fashion, adding a modern touch to web design.

HTML Structure:

All the slider code contained within a div with the class container. Inside, there’s a div with the class carousel, which contains several div elements with the class item. Each of these item divs represents a slide in the carousel, labeled A to F.

CSS Styling:

The carousel and its items are styled to create the 3D effect. Each item (a to f) is given a unique background color for differentiation. The CSS employs transform properties (like rotateY and translateZ) to position each slide in a circular, 3D layout.


The script uses jQuery for event handling. Click events on the .next and .prev buttons rotate the carousel using the rotate function. In this function, depending on the button clicked, the carousel’s rotation degree (currdeg) is adjusted, and the new rotation is applied to the .carousel element. The rotation effect is smooth, thanks to the CSS transition property on the .carousel class.

Autoplay Feature: The carousel has an autoplay feature, implemented using setInterval. Every 2000 milliseconds, the script triggers a click event on the .next button, automatically rotating the carousel. Event handlers for mouseenter and mouseleave on the carousel are used to pause and resume autoplay. This enhances user interaction, as the autoplay pauses when the user hovers over the carousel and resumes when they move the cursor away.

3D Carousel – Slider (CSS 3D & Vanilla JS)

3D Carousel - Slider (CSS 3D & Vanilla JS)

Jonathan Ching

Pug & SCSS


Pure CSS 3D Carousel Rotating Effect

Pure CSS 3D Carousel Rotating Effect

Claudiu Lazar

Html & CSS


Cpc-days | 3D Slider

3D Slider

Mark Boots

Html, CSS & Js


3D Carousel Materialize

3D Carousel Materialize


Html & CSS


CSS 3D Carousel (Slider)

CSS 3D Carousel (Slider)

Matthias Wissink

Html & CSS


Animated 3D Carousel

Animated 3D Carousel

Eli Moyal

Html & SCSS


3D carousel CSS | Interactive Circular Image Carousel

3D carousel CSS

jordan morais

Html, CSS & Js



This snippet is a beautifully crafted example of a 3D carousel slider. It combines visual elegance with interactive functionality, using advanced CSS techniques and the TweenMax library for smooth animations.

HTML Structure:

The core of the slider is a div with the class slider, nested inside a div with the class scene. Within the slider, there are multiple div elements, each with the class slider-item. These items are the individual slides of the carousel. Every slider-item contains an <img> tag, sourcing images from an online service (Picsum Photos).

CSS Styling:

The .scene class sets up the overall scene, ensuring the content is centered and covers the entire viewport. The .slider class applies a 3D perspective to the carousel. Each .slider-item is styled as a circular, shadowed container, positioned absolutely within the slider. This circular design is unique and adds an artistic touch to the carousel.

JavaScript Implementation:

The script uses TweenMax (from GSAP), a popular animation library, to animate the carousel items. The playTl function defines a timeline for the animation sequence. It moves and transforms the slider-item elements to create a flowing, carousel-like movement.

The carousel is interactive. Clicking on the slider triggers the playTl function, animating the slides in a sequence that mimics a rotating carousel. The script also dynamically updates the data-index attribute of each item, managing their order and appearance in the carousel.

Animation and Interactivity: The TweenMax animations involve translating and transforming the slides along the X, Y, and Z axes. This creates the illusion of depth and movement in 3D space. The click event listener on the slider allows users to interact with the carousel, initiating the animation sequence with each click.

Rotating 3D Carousel Without Js

Rotating 3D Carousel Without Js

Jakub Motlík

Html & CSS


3D Card Slider

Star Wars 3D Slider

Chris Rohr

Html, CSS & Js


CSS 3D Carousel

CSS 3D Carousel


Html, CSS & Js


Responsive Touch Slider Using Html CSS & jQuery – 3D Responsive Slider Using Swiper.js

Touch Slider Using Html CSS & jQuery


Html, CSS & Js


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